Panhel: Empowering the Future 2023 Women Leading Women

As the semester wraps up, we're thrilled to share the highlights of the 2023 Panhellenic Association’s final leadership programming – an event that not only brought our sorority community together but also set the stage for incoming chapter leadership to thrive. The Women Leading Women event, hosted by the Panhellenic Executive Board, was an enriching experience filled with valuable insights, advice, and opportunities for our future leaders to connect. Let's dive into the key takeaways from this empowering gathering.

Position Responsibilities:

One of the crucial aspects discussed during the event was the detailed exploration of position responsibilities. Incoming chapter leaders had the chance to gain a comprehensive understanding of their roles, ensuring they are well-equipped to lead their respective chapters effectively. This deep dive into responsibilities not only enhances leadership skills but also fosters a sense of accountability within our Fraternity & Sorority Life (FSL) community.

Campus Climate:

Understanding the pulse of the University of Michigan's campus climate is vital for any sorority leader. The Women Leading Women event provided a platform for our leaders to engage in meaningful discussions about the current campus climate, enabling them to better address the needs and concerns of their members. By fostering an open dialogue, our leaders are better positioned to create a positive and inclusive environment within their chapters.

University Resources:

Navigating the vast array of university resources can be daunting, especially for new leaders. The event featured insightful sessions on how to leverage these resources effectively. From academic support to mental health services, the leaders gained valuable insights into the resources available at the University of Michigan, empowering them to provide comprehensive support to their chapter members.

Bystander Intervention:

In a community that values solidarity, health, and safety, it is essential for our leaders to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to intervene in harmful situations when necessary. Women Leading Women included discussions on bystander intervention, offering practical tips and strategies for leaders to promote a safe and respectful FSL community. This focus on proactive leadership ensures that our sorority chapters contribute to a culture of care and accountability.

Advice and Tips from Upperclassmen Leaders:

One of the highlights of the event was the opportunity for incoming leaders to hear advice and tips from seasoned upperclassmen leaders. Drawing from their own experiences, these mentors shared valuable insights on overcoming challenges, building strong relationships within the chapter, and making a positive impact on the broader community. This mentorship component adds a personal touch to leadership development, fostering a sense of camaraderie within the Panhellenic community.

The 2023 Panhellenic Women Leading Women event was a resounding success, providing a platform for our sorority leaders to prepare for their upcoming roles. By delving into position responsibilities, campus climate, university resources, and bystander intervention, the event laid the groundwork for a strong and inclusive FSL community at the University of Michigan. As we look forward to the future, we are confident that the leadership skills cultivated during this event will not only benefit individual chapters but will also contribute to the overall success and unity of our beloved community. 

Go Blue!